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LOT FILLING STATION logo printed on chest and back.

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LOT FILLING STATION logo printed on chest and back.

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Robust, versatile women's helmet for climbing and mountaineering

With a headband that adapts to long hair tied back in a ponytail, the BOREA helmet is for adventurous women! Its robust design is ideal for climbing, via ferrata, canyoning and caving. Its thick shell ensures optimum resistance to knocks and scratches. Its wrap-around shape gives you extra protection for your head, while remaining compact and airy for maximum comfort.

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Abyssnaut ITN SP oxygen spray

ITN sp is a multi-purpose lubricant spray for contact with O2 or over-oxygenated environments.

High-performance lubricant, based on PFPE (18%), for sensitive surfaces in contact with aggressive environments, oxygen (up to 100% O2) or high temperatures.

Used by professional divers, Army and Civil Security divers, maintenance workshops, recreational divers, nautical structures, etc.

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Used to inflate your drysuit or your rebreather. Excellent product with big debit.

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Apeks Bungee Connector Kit

Bungee connector keeps your regulator securely by your side quick access. *Regulator sold separately.

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Éditorial du Président du CDS 46..
Préface: les 100 ans de Jean Taisne 


Première partie : Explorations sèches
- Grotte des Poteries
- lgue d'Aynac n°2
- Igue du Muret
- Grotte du Four à chaux
- Igue de Geniez
- Le mystérieux souterrain de la Borie Grandet
- Phosphatière de Lespinasse : une première inattendue
- Igue de Pierrefine: la bien nommée
- La Font Alba
- Igue Delpech ou de Viel Four
- Grotte du Couderc
- Les grottes du Truffe
- Puits du Bret et Gouffre des Vitarelles

Deuxième partie : Plongées

- L'Ouysse souterraine et Gouffre de Cabouy : the Hidden River Project
- Font Nègre n°2
- Grotte de Loyne
- Fontaine de Lestang
- Emergence temporaire de Dagou
- Plongées lotoises du Cave Daving Group

Troisième partie : Expéditions
- Expéditions lointaines et proches...partir ?

- Quatrième partie : Activités scientifiques
- Situation des chiroptères cavernicoles dans le Lot - Bilan de 16 années de suivi hivernal
- Les araignées et opilions cavernicoles des Causses du Quercy
- Biospéléologie de l'Ouysse souterraine
- Les phosphatières de Lespinasse : un site de la Réserve Naturelle Nationale de Géologique du Lot
- Le sentier karstique de Crégols : le mystère de la résurgence de Grégols

Cinquième partie : Histoire de la spéléologie lotoise
- La spéléologie à Limogne : quelle histoire !
- Raconter la spéléologie lotoise : quelques règles et astuces pour écrire dans une revue spéléologique

Remerciements / Légendes des photographies (couverture et pages intérieures)

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Robust and durable, these wetsuit boots protect your feet both in and out of the water. Transfers heat from warmer to colder parts of the foot, equalizing the temperature to keep your feet warmer for the duration of your dive. Increases the temperature by an average of 2°C for enhanced comfort.

Available within 5 to 10 days

BERSUB Goodman handle Aluminium

Height-adjustable goodman handle.
Can be used to attach a BERSUB or other headlamp.

Available within 5 to 10 days


The Bersub FOCUS EVO Tek dive light is the benchmark in ultra-versatile models for the Tek diver. As powerful in exploration mode as it is for photo/video.
For all types of diving (Photo/Video, Explo, Caving, Cave...), in all conditions.
2 beam angles, 2 color temperatures, 2 power levels on each mode.

Available within 5 to 10 days


The Bersub FOCUS EVO Tek dive light is the benchmark in ultra-versatile models for the Tek diver. As powerful in exploration mode as it is for photo/video.
For all types of diving (Photo/Video, Explo, Caving, Cave...), in all conditions.
2 beam angles, 2 color temperatures, 2 power levels on each mode.

Available within 5 to 10 days


The Bersub FOCUS EVO Tek dive light is the benchmark in ultra-versatile models for the Tek diver. As powerful in exploration mode as it is for photo/video.
For all types of diving (Photo/Video, Explo, Caving, Cave...), in all conditions.
2 beam angles, 2 color temperatures, 2 power levels on each mode.

Available within 5 to 10 days

MAV (Manual Addition Valve) Oxygen in solid Delrin.

Valve and valve knob made of chrome plated brass.
Body is marked as "Diluent" or "Oxygen".
Haptically coded knob to be sure which knob you touch in case of zero visibility.

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A super-light double scooter, 2x16.5Kg for maximum speed and distance on technical and underground dives.

The motors are synchronised by a hidden cable with a wet connector in the coupling device, so both motors have the same speed.

But you can also stop one motor using the second trigger.

Super relaxing and very agile!

On order

AV Confort 8L two-tone caving kit bag

Its ergonomic design means you can take it anywhere without any discomfort. Its size makes it ideal for carrying personal items, especially for people who are new to caving (they are then self-sufficient in water and food during the activity, which makes the guides' job easier). It's also ideal for cavers descending into holes that are already equipped, as its size means it can fit almost anywhere without having to be removed.

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